4 th International Adam Didur Opera Singers' Competition

Maciej Tomasiewicz

He is a doctoral student at the  Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice where he completed studies in the field of composition and music theory and symphonic-opera conductor studies in the class of  prof.  S. Bywalec.

He took part in the Master Conductorship Course organised by M. Dittrich in Budapest where he was awarded the 2nd prize in the contest; he also participated in master courses conducted by G. Chmura, J. Kaspszyk and L. Livingston.

He is affiliated to the Archetti Chamber Orchestra , where he started as a violin player and since 2014 he has been its conductor.  Since 2015 he has worked as a tutor of school youth orchestras with which he has had many successful performances during competitions and festivals.  He is the conductor of the Polish Youth Symphonic Orchestra in Bytom and and the Youth   Karol Szymanowski Symphonic Orchestra in Katowice. 

So far he has been an assistant to such distinguished conductors as M. Jurowski, G. Chmura,
J. Kaspszyk, A. Liebreich, M. J. Błaszczyk, M. Klauza, T. Kozłowski, B. Akiki or
S. Bywalec. As an assistant conductor he cooperated the National Symphonic Orchestra of the Polish Radio in Katowice and with the Grand Theatre in Łódź, where after he had won the assistant conductor position - he prepared the première of the “Haunted Manor” by Stanisław Moniuszko directed by Krystyna Janda.  He conducted concerts with i.a. the Beethoven Academy Orchestra, the Podlaskie Opera and Philharmonics Orchestra, with numerous others Polish philharmonic and chamber orchestras (Filharmonia Kaliska, Śląska, Świętokrzyska, Zielonogórska, Śląska Orkiestra Kameralna, Orkiestra Muzyki Nowej).

 Since 2016 he has been cooperating with the Silesian Opera where he prepared the ballet première of  “Scheherazade/Medea” with the music of M. Rimsky-Korsakov and S. Barber, and the new production of “Tosca” by G. Puccini, “The Nutcracker” by P. Tchaikovsky, “The Gypsy Baron” by J. Strauss and “The Haunted Manor” by  S. Moniuszko. In the Opera and Philharmonic in Białystok he conducted the performances of “Carmen” G. Bizet and “Turandot” by G. Puccini. In the season 2016-2017 he cooperated as an assistant conductor with Sinfonia Iuventus Polish Orchestra.  

As the only conductor he is the two-time beneficiary of the  program of the Music and Dance Institute Conductor-Resident (Silesian Philharmonics and Opera and Philharmonic in Białystok). 

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