

Ukrainian director, screenwriter, culturologist and a folk artist who rendered great service to the arts in Ukraine.  He was the Minister of Culture and Tourism in 2007-2010.  Since 2017 he has been the Artistic and General Director of the National Opera in Lviv.

Vasyl Vowkun has directed and produced over 350 cultural and artistic events: artistic shows, classical operas, religious and professional celebrations, folk actions, national and international contests and festivals, teenage mass actions, alternative concerts, days of Ukrainian culture and arts i.a. in Germany, France, China, Slovakia, Poland, Serbia, Georgia, Azerbaijan. 

He works in all styles of art, frequently making synthesis of various genres.  He is characterised by an experimental view on the future via understanding the past and the present.

His vast artistic achievements include inter alia the production of The Masked Ball by  G. Verdi  (the National Opera in Lviv, 2005), Bohdan Khmelnytsky by K. Dankevych (the National Opera in Donetsk, 2005), Don Giovanni (co-production of the National Opera in Lviv and the M. Lysenko National Academy of Music, 2015), The Marriage of Figaro (The Warsaw Chamber Orchestra, Poland, 2015) and The Crazy Day or the Marriage of Figaro by W. А. Mozart (co-production of the National Opera in Lviv and M. Lysenko National Academy of Music, 2016), Nabucco by G. Verdi (the National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet in Odessa, 2017), Christmas event God with us! Understand, nations! and concert-event Oh my sun! O sole mio!, faerie (folk-opera-ballet) When the  Fern Blooms by J. Stankovych (the National Opera in Lviv, 2017).

In 2018 in the National Opera in Lviv he staged Don Giovanni by W.A. Mozart and two ballets Pulcinella and The Rite of Spring by I. Stravinsky performed on the same evening as a two-part ballet performance entitled The Masked Truth.

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